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From Ring road
  1. Get into East 6th Ring road
  2. Take Exit 15 Jingtang Road Eastwards
  3. Merge into G103 Road
  4. Stay on G103 for 1.5km then turn RIGHT into Guanghua Road
  5. Stay on Guanghua Road for 1.5Km
  6. Turn RIGHT on the 2nd Major Traffic lights
  7. Turn RIGHT after 50m into No.68 compound alley

From Beijing City direction
  1. Take Jing Tong Expressway from city
  2. Exit Baliqiao toll and travel on G103 Road
  3. Turn RIGHT on Guanghua Road after crossing Tuqiao New Bridge(6th Ring)
  4. Stay on Guanghua Road for 1.5Km
  5. Turn RIGHT on the 2nd Major Traffic lights
  6. Turn RIGHT after 50m into No.68 compound alley
EMC Precision Machining

68 South Guang Hua Road Zhang Jia Wan Industrial Park, Zhang Jia Wan Town,
Tongzhou District,
Beijing, China 101113

Tel: (86) 10 6156 1696
Fax: (86) 10 6156 2366

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